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Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a style of leadership characterized by direct, top-down communication and commands. Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative. Copyright 2017 2025. As only the leader makes decisions, the management may or may not provide feedback. Autocratic leaders generally believe that they are the smartest people around and know more than their subordinates. As such, it becomes the right choice for employees who thrive when they are told what to do. So, there are. That makes it almost impossible for leaders to leave the workplace, as workers can become so dependent on their decision-making abilities that nothing gets done if the leader is not present for some reason. Disadvantages. Open lines of communication ensure that everyone on the team is working toward the same goal. The procedures and rules might seem rigid. Whatever approach is predominately used it will be vital to the success of the business. The autocratic leadership style does a good job of facilitating this process. Autocratic leaders dont deal with the hassle of multiple leadership levels. St. Thomas University: What is Autocratic Leadership? When there is an autocratic leadership established within an organization, there are fewer levels of administration that must be kept informed of each decision. When the leaders are taking ownership for the quality of the completed work, there is no opportunity for team members to do so. Disadvantages: autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages? and lack of staff initiative (2015). But, what is autocratic leadership? The communication in the autocratic leadership can be considered as "one-way" ( the manager say . Management Styles in a Business (GCSE) | Business | tutor2u One of the benefits of autocratic leadership is that it can help an inexperienced team achieve goals that they wouldn't be able to do alone. Motivation and reward for leaders: It provides strong motivation and reward for the leader. Because all decisions are made by the leader, a new leader must be brought in, which requires everyone to start from scratch. In this article, we outline some essential autocratic leadership pros and cons. According to St. Thomas University, democratic leadership is defined by mutual respect between the manager and their team members. Here, in the autocratic organization, there are fewer levels which reduces the challenges of poor communication that might be caused because of too many levels. Leadership styles There are many ways to lead and every leader has his or her own style. As such, between them, there is no communication and you know communication is a must for a healthy relationship. Task 2.3 - Comparison of leadership style Autocratic Leadership Style: Mr. Worth took on a more autocratic approach to leadership by operating his office from the top floor of the company, and rarely interacting with his employees. Characteristics Of An Autocratic Leadership Style | ipl.org You must have seen people with varied working styles, ways of talking, and traits. Autocratic Leadership: 8 Advantages & 7 Disadvantages - BokasTutor Because of one-way communication and lack of recognition employees do not get the answers to the questions they deserve. There is just one person in charge. - increases employee satisfaction and motivation. Sources: 9. 10. This is yet another of the several advantages of autocratic leadership style. By the autocratic leadership principle, people who work in an autocratic organization or under an autocratic leader must accept the order, instruction, and command of the leader. For example, a communication style that can be considered barking orders can be critical in high-stakes environments, like among paramedics, but destructive in collaborative environments like university departments. Under this type of leadership style there is no delay as the decision rests with a single authority and in times of crunch situation where a quick decision is needed . An autocratic leader makes decisions and communicates them on time, making sure that the team has all the information they need to finish the project on schedule. According to St Thomas University (2018) the autocratic leadership process generally entails one person making all the strategic decisions for their subordinates. They must make every decision for the team. This process may create a powerful and positive impact on their performance. However, this leadership style become less effective in large organizations. There may be dangerous situations or working environments which require complicated tasks to be completed. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocratic Leadership All the standard operating procedures are also followed. The biggest problem is, no one talks about innovation and out-of-the-box ideas in this leadership style. 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Democratic Leadership Style Workers are forced to rely on the autocratic leader for all their feedback, instructions, and work duties. If the results an autocratic leader achieves do not meet corporate expectations, then it can be difficult to correct the issue. At the end of the day, the autocratic leader is like the captain of a ship: every decision is a weight on their shoulders and they are ultimately responsible for what happens. The laissez-faire or free reign leader scarcely provides direction to his team members. 1. Working with a supervisor who makes all expectations clear and specifies exactly how to perform tasks can make the process of acclimating to a new work environment much easier for the employee. Everything rests with the leader. When an autocratic leadership style is used in these situations, then the control the policies and procedures provide encourage a deeper commitment to safety. 3. West Yorkshire, In high-pressure, high-stakes situations like buying and selling real estate, an autocratic leader who has the knowledge necessary to make profitable choices can be a companys greatest asset. Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership - LetsLearnFinance They can easily manage these issues because they're the only ones who get to call the shots. Autocratic leadership style ensures that a consistent message is sent from the centre to the employees at the bottom of the organisations. Bureaucratic Leadership - Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages This can mean the only employees who remain working with the company are unmotivated and even lazy individuals. In addition, the leaders directly communicate to their followers where the work is to be done. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocratic Leadership But, what is autocratic leadership? Autocratic Leadership Style: Obstacle to Success in Academic Libraries Second, autocratic leadership gives the leader an enormous amount of power in deciding how the team operates, but this also means increasing responsibility and accountability. Advantages of Bureaucratic Leadership Bureaucratic leadership works in so many ways0 Job security and results are both stable Favoritism is no longer a factor in the equation Roles, duties, and expectations are all evident A system of processes and rules that are extremely apparent creates a stronger level of job security Management & Leadership Styles | Autocratic, Democratic, Paternalistic, Laissez- Faire and More Two Teachers 16K subscribers Subscribe 224 Share Save 27K views 3 years ago Business Studies Videos. This person: Assigns tasks Keeps everyone on deadline Focuses on the big picture Makes sure everyone contributes equally Cooperative and Autocratic Leadership Styles in Negotiations Here are the top advantages of autocratic leadership: Faster Decision-making This leadership style enables quick decision-making, which is one of the most significant benefits of autocratic leadership. There may be situations when leaders are less qualified than their subordinates. Communication is the systematic process of passing information from one person to another. Khan et al. More Cautious Autocratic leaders are able to handle a crisis situation easily because they are the ones who are in charge. 2. Autocratic & Democratic - Advantages and disadvantages table in A Level Even if the leader is not knowledgeable in the area, they are forced into a position where they must decide. An Autocratic or authoritarian leadership style will comprise of dictates and orders like telling aides what is to be done and how is something supposed to be done. What are the pros and cons of an autocratic leadership? advantages of democratic leadership. This approach has limitations (as highlighted by other motivational theorists such as Mayo and Herzberg) but it can be effective in certain situations. Moreover, the instructions will go straight to the employees. That creates a positive impact on the work environment, which leads to more accurate work and consistent production. Other relevant articles for you are: Advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing, Advantages and disadvantages of franchising. It also creates hardships for the leader because they may get blamed for the actions of a worker when that worker was told to do something completely different. This system leaves the employees stress-free. One of the primary reasons why the autocratic leadership style tends to fail is because it is fully dependent upon the skills and knowledge of the leader. Pros and Cons of Autocracy | Indeed.com If you liked any of these articles, please feel free to share with others by clicking on the social sharing icons. This form serves well when the . Disadvantages of autocratic leadership style. Autocratic leaders have imperious or commanding personalities. Disadvantages: Although some managers adopt democratic leadership, it is just to please their subordinates but they do not follow the technique fully. An autocratic. Home Pros and Cons 11 Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages. If you know anything about democratic leadership, you will know that it sounds better than autocracy. It can also mean workers personal needs are neglected, causing them to feel like their supervisor does not care about them as individuals. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. * Very limited or no input at all from the subordinates. Pros of Autocracy The following sections below demonstrate. The Advantages of the Laissez-Faire Leadership Style Here is a list of the pros of the Laissez-Faire Leadership style: 1. Chapter 4 - Leadership Styles Flashcards | Quizlet democratic leadership. An autocratic leader is well-equipped to deal with a crisis situation. Removes employee stress. Advantages and Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership: The advantages of Autocratic leadership are that it allows for fast and effective decisions in a crisis situation, this is due to the ability of make quick decisions without having to discuss amongst team members which wastes valuable time. And they are accountable for the outcomes. Advantages Autocratic style of leadership is very effective in times of emergency or stress since people will always work from orders or commands of their leaders. While employees who need clear directive and feedback from their leader tend to do best under an autocrat, more experienced employees often do well in a more autonomous environment. Advantages of Autocratic Leadership . Now, she's focusing her writing on helping other small business owners and people planning to become small business owners navigate this crazy thing we call entrepreneurship. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocratic Government ", 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. To be a great authentic leader, you should accept yourself for who you truly are. On the other hand, employees are responsible for following instructions and meeting deadlines. They wont get blamed if it fails and they wont get credit if it succeeds. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. LS23 6AD Create a leadership learning plan. In a negative work environment, they also have the power to micromanage, enforce employee dependence, bully and generally mistreat their team. When there isnt enough time to learn something new or a project must be completed rapidly, this type of leadership is the best option. The procedures and rules might seem rigid. Its main weakness is that it hinges heavily on the abilities and temperament of your employees. Managers deal with their employees in different ways. Among all the recognized autocratic leadership strengths and weaknesses, perhaps one of the most prominent is that this leadership style can cause employees to resent their leader and even their organization. What Are the Pros and Cons of Autocratic Leadership? | SB It will also highlight team members that have strong creative skills and those that do not. It gets even worse if workers can voice an opinion that is never utilized. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Autocratic Leadership She's no stranger to the wild ride that running a business can be, but that doesn't mean she's done learningevery day, it's something different when you're in the driver's seat. We all had, in one job or another, a boss who was feared by everyone. What is Laissez-Faire Leadership? There are numerous autocratic leadership strengths and weaknesses and sometimes, a characteristic thats a strength in one scenario is a weakness in another. Some are collaborative and inspiring, while some are authoritative and controlling. But this might not be possible with an autocratic leadership style. If there isnt enough time to develop personal skills or learn something new, then autocratic leaders are still able to get the job done. By providing clear instructions, oversight, and guidance, autocrats can speed up turnaround times and improve quality standards. outline the advantages of this style, such as increased situational control, discipline over workers, short discussions, and group members knowing their roles and tasks. From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 11 Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages, Leaders Eat Last Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles, Extreme Ownership Speed Summary (3 Minutes) w/ PDF, Good to Great Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles of, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. What Is Autocratic Leadership? | Indeed.com India Hence, he ensures that the products manufactured and services rendered meet the desired quality benchmarks. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. The following are some of the instances because of which autocratic leadership is not suitable. Do you have a team of inexperienced employees? In the permissive version, the autocratic leader still makes the final decision, but extends some flexibility to their direct reports in how tasks are completed. If yes, then the best way to manage such teams is through autocratic leadership. SWOT Analysis of Kelloggs (Kellogg Company), https://www.forbes.com/sites/markmurphy/2019/11/24/does-anyone-actually-like-autocratic-leaders-new-data-says-yes/?sh=bd0ef4e10de5, https://hbr.org/2002/10/the-leadership-journey. As with other leadership styles, there are autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages that can have a significant impact on a leader's employees . These were the autocratic leadership style advantages and disadvantages. The employees need not wait for the thumbs up from seniors or ask for a deadline extension if they can get all the approvals and data on time. Because of the too much rigidity in the structure, and low growth opportunities, most of the experienced employees tend to leave the autocratic organizations. Many autocratic leaders turn into severe micromanagers, making it difficult for workers to do their job because theyre always forced to report on what they are doing at any given moment. Autocratic leadership is characterized by being highly structured and rigid style. Autocratic leaders are in charge and they make this fact known. Now that weve discussed several advantages of the autocratic leadership style, here come some disadvantages: One of the biggest disadvantages of exercising autocratic leadership is that it can result in low employee morale. - good style for meetings. Advantages of Autocratic Leadership Quick Decision-Making Clearly Defined Structure Timely Work Completion Effective Communication Easy Acceptance Right for Inexperienced Employees Increased Efficiency and Productivity Suitable for Small Organizations Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership Less Morale and Motivation High Turnover Low Satisfaction Authoritative leaders are most consistent in their approaches and systems. Fewer layers of administration and lesser feedback to look into facilitates swift decision-making in the team. However, according to Schaeffer (2002) autocratic leaders are not those who bully people needlessly. An autocratic leader is the sole authority in her company, on her team or at the head of the group she is tasked with leading. They are the managerial equivalent of an emergency room surgeon who is forced to do whatever necessary to save a patients life. Leaders must assume that their workers are not performing as they should, which requires their direct supervision to ensure results happen. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. That is because there is one person and they are in charge of all arrangements. As such people working under autocratic leaders are supposed to accept the guidance or orders of their leader without any disagreement. And, you know discipline is the key to achieving something. These types of leaders are known as democratic leaders and laissez-faire leaders, respectively. for the employees, too. Autocratic leaders cant make trust a priority because they are forced to make the rules be the priority. However, this does not mean you should be satisfied with your current self and avoid growth. So, there are advantages of the autocratic leadership style for the employees, too. One of the greatest advantages to working with an autocratic leader is that the employee always knows whats expected and what will happen if they fail to perform as expected. Therefore, they may not contribute to the team efforts as they should. Autocratic leadership - Definition, Components, Advantage One of the hallmarks of autocratic leadership is that the leader comes to his decisions quickly. That means the personal morality of the leader becomes the corporate reality of the business. Autocratic leaders are like the captain of the ship. Safeguarding Mental Health in the Gig Economy Strengths of Laissez-Faire Leaders It can create negative emotions. Low satisfaction also results in below performance than expectations. There are three main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic and democratic. For long-term issues, the autocratic leader can direct traffic in specific ways with more efficiency than a C-Suite, creating solutions that can quickly move an organization out of a troublesome state. Most autocratic leaders will not take the opinions, experiences, or knowledge of their team members into account when making decisions. 2. In the paternalistic form, the core characteristics of this leadership style are used, with an added emphasis on worker wellbeing as part of the experience. The first and foremost advantage of this type of leadership style is that it helps the company in making a quick decision as the decision is centralized with the leader. But rarely do employees know that there are several. Although their primary aim should be to achieve business goals, as leaders, it is also their responsibility to add value to employees. Leadership Styles and Factors in Effective Staff Motivation Taylor Coft This is because they do not consult any other members of their team, so they dont have to wait for other opinions or work through different perspectives to find an appropriate compromise. The ultimate democratic system occurs when decisions are made based on the majority view of all workers. For employees, an environment where decision-making is solely the managers job can mean a relatively low stress environment. Inexperienced teams can still produce experienced results. Dependent on the leader: Organizational success is entirely dependent on the leader and their ideas, which can endanger the stability of the organization. In such organizations, the leader has a small number of tasks to handle and the number of employees is also few. The three commonly observed leadership . And what are autocratic leadership pros and cons? If the leader offers questionable ethics, however, and refuses to create fairness, then there is no one who can really hold that person accountable. For example, the team will have a clear vision of expectations and where their project and company is going. . Although an autocratic leader can have a challenging personality, most employees prefer to work in an environment where there are clear expectations set for them. Lets take a glimpse at who autocratic leaders are and what they do. Autocratic leadership | Business | tutor2u