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SAMPLE REQUEST FOR RELIGIOUS ACCOMMODATION [EMPLOYMENT] Dear [HR Department]: [Employer] has directed me to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, or suffer adverse employment action, up to and including termination. Bunting concluded by outlining best practices to follow when handling religious accommodation requests: If an employee rejects a good accommodation that an employer has offered, "you're golden," Bunting said. This isn't really a religious request, so the employer can push back and request a letter from a faith leader, she said. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's template is the same one the agency uses for its own employees, and was part of a Thursday update to . As such, I am unable to {work on Sunday mornings, shave my beard, etc.}. Johns Hopkins UniversityWyman Park Building, Suite 5153400 North Charles StreetBaltimore, Maryland 21218, If you wish to submit proof of your COVID-19 vaccination or request a religious exception for the COVID-19 vaccine requirement, please do so via the Universitys. Sample Hardship Letter Financial Hardship Letters Writing A Hardship Letter Religious Accommodation Discrimination. One option that I would propose is [enter request]. 5. Subject: Religious Accommodation for [Course Number]. $(document).ready(function () { a description of the accommodation you are requesting; the reason you need an accommodation; and. Any such request must be in a typed, legible, and double-sided letter. Washington, DC 20507 I therefore respectfully request that you make an accommodation for my religious belief, observance, and practice in keeping with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by allowing me to leave work on the Fridays in question just prior to sundown. $('.container-footer').first().hide(); I have been having medical issues that have affected my mood, sleep schedule, concentration, and focus. A request for a religious accommodation for dining must document: As with housing and dining accommodations, medical accommodations should be made at the earliest possible opportunity after admission. Bunting noted that companies that previously placed employees on unpaid leave when they declined COVID-19 vaccinations for religious reasons are now bringing them back to the workplace. In most cases, students should seek to make arrangements with the appropriate University office first, contacting professors, residential life, or dining services. Site information is not to be replaced with or considered professional medical advice. We have reviewed the attached case file and recommend action on SSgt Alpha's request for religious accommodation from compliance with Air Force grooming standards be deferred pending his imminent transfer of duty stations. If an employee is resisting an employer-required COVID-19 vaccine because it was derived from fetal cell lines, the employer might ask whether the employee has received a flu vaccine or has ever taken a medication that was similarly createdand there are many, including aspirin. Under the Equal Employment regulations, I am entitled to accommodations provided that they do not cause undue hardship to the company. CBP Applicant: An applicant requesting religious accommodation for any stage of the application process must submit a request for religious accommodation to the Indianapolis or Minneapolis Hiring Center, as applicable. After you complete your submission, you will receive automated responses and updates from the system as your documents or exception requests are processed by the John Hopkins Exception Review Team. It is difficult to say with certainty how long it can take to process requests, as many factors could impact timing (i.e., volume, complexity and availability of the student for follow up questions and/or their ability to timely provide supporting documentation). It has been brought to the attention of The Vault Project that many employers are requesting a signed letter from a pastor on their religious exemption request forms for COVID vaccines. Questions regarding applying for housing should be directed to Housing Operations at (410) 516-7960 or Governor Jay Inslee is requiring thousands of employees to get . Similarly, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires an employer to accommodate an employee's sincerely held religious beliefs or practices unless . Train managers to recognize religious exemption requests and to refer them to HR. Staff with a medical, mental health, or developmental disability shall immediately contact their . Homewood Housing Requests:The university recognizes that student observance of their faith may require special consideration for housing assignments. This includes people who belong to traditional, organized religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism, as well as people who have newer or less common religious beliefs, and atheists. If an accommodation would violate a collective bargaining agreement, it would result in an undue hardship. The University may suggest an alternative accommodation it deems reasonable to accommodate a request. Explain that, under the doctrine of a certain belief in your religion, you cannot perform certain actions, such as shaving your beard or working on Sundays, for example. I have pain in my lower back. For incoming students, a request must be made at the earliest possible opportunity after admission. Employers can push backgentlyon religious accommodation requests and don't have to grant requests that would result in an undue hardship, which is much easier for employers to show for religious accommodation requests than disability accommodation requests. Please let me know your decision at your earliest convenience. The religious accommodation request, if filed with an employment agency, may be submitted to the agency to whom the employee currently has a personnel management relationship. The other employees may wind up leaving due to the extra workload. It covers COVID-19 vaccine requirements and mandates, too. It was created to assist you while you are recovering. 11/2/21 Updated religious exemption template Attached is a sample template that can be modified for your use as your prepare your employee religious exemption. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am informed that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding this request. Given the current labor shortage, the employer might not want to lose the employee or have the worker complain about the company on social media, she added. The need for religious accommodation may arise where an individual's religious beliefs, observances or practices conflict with a specific task or requirement of the position or an application process . Professional Studies and Executive Education, American University's United Methodist Affiliation, submit an online request for reasonable religious accommodations. In order to establish the existence of a religious objection, it will be necessary for the individual to have specific religious beliefs which would be violated in a non-trivial way by receiving a particular vaccine. OIE may need to discuss the nature of the religious belief(s, practice(s), and accommodation(s) with a student or employee's spiritual leader (if applicable) or religious or philosophy scholars to address the request for an exception. Would you please let me know in the next week? A medical certification of both the underlying health condition and the necessity of an accommodation would likely be needed to support a request to be excused from a masking requirement. I observe the seventh-day of the week (Saturday) as the Sabbath as taught by my church in harmony with the Old and New Testament teachings of the Bible. 3. Sabbath Accommodation - Sundown Request - Employee Letter DATE EMPLOYER NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE RE: (YOUR NAME): Dear (NAME), As I believe you are aware, I am a Seventh-day Adventist. Sincerely, After initiating your religious objection request via the action center and returning the requested documentation, a representative from Employee and Labor Relations will respond to requests for religious exceptions from staff employees and Academic Personnel will respond to requests for religious exceptions from Faculty and other academic 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone) Your address Please give this request consideration at your earliest convenience. Your letter should be a formal one, addressed to the right person. If you have questions or concerns, please contact, Whenever possible, employees should submit vaccine exceptionrequests to OIE at least 30 days in advance of, Johns Hopkins Medicine Compliance Deadlines. There are many types of accommodations. These may prove helpful to consult. Here in Canada the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) offers this advice: The religious objections held by individuals to specific vaccines will vary significantly. Requests for accommodation should be made at the earliest opportunity once a student has become aware that a conflict exists. Expand your toolbox with the tools and techniques needed to fix your organizations unique needs. A request for a religious accommodation for housing must be made before housing is requested. Gathering InformationOIE asks students and employees to complete the religious accommodation request form. This is false. Requests for reasonable accommodation to participate in pre-employment polygraph examinations must be submitted to the Office . Secular activitiesshopping, sports, employment, and entertainmentare laid aside. An applicant or employee may need a reasonable accommodation (a change to the way things are normally done at work) so he can practice or observe his religion. To have your request for a religious academic/workplace accommodation considered, please review the following process: 1. In the meantime, they welcome feedback or questions from students who can reach them You have successfully saved this page as a bookmark. The purpose of an accommodation request is to allow the requesting employee to perform certain job duties, either in their current role or in a position they are seeking. 01. All content available on or through is for general information purposes only. University of Washington Religious Accommodations Policy. If employees have submitted a request for reasonable or religious accommodation due to the inability to comply with mandatory testing, they may request permission to remain off work, using their own leave credits or . If the student does not belong to a religious community that could provide this letter,the student should indicate this in their letter and request a letter from the University Chaplain after due consultation with the University Chaplain. I realize the need for this requested accommodation is still a few months away, but I wanted to make arrangements in advance so that we can discuss it and plan. The University may request the student provide information to support the need for an accommodation based on the student's sincerely held religious belief. 2000(e) requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation for employees religious observances. The policy guarantees that you are not unduly prevented from observing your religious practice; it does not necessarily guarantee the observance of that practice at a particular time or in a particular location (e.g. Document accommodations the employer tried to make and that the employee rejected. 3. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. Religious Accommodation Request Form A reasonable religious accommodation is a change in the work environment or in the way tasks or responsibilities are customarily done that enables an employee to participate in their religious practice or belief without undue hardship on the conduct of the university's business or operation. Hardship Letter Religious Accommodation Discrimination Example {Your Name} {Your Address} {Your Phone #} {Your Loan #} {Date} To Whom It May Concern: I would like to make a request for reasonable accommodation due to religious belief. Implementing the Religious AccommodationTo communicate the final accommodation, OIE will issue in writing a religious accommodation approval letter to the employee or student, and copy those relevant individuals (i.e. M`f"_qy7iSvvhBnq>!I+b"j0GL1Hy=3qIRrK{ 7\p% $K'@? < e/q[4T5iC`t`]fX`W_da(dk5 GadSh7(C/?. Request for Religious Accommodation . Your printed name. Work on Sunday or holidays in place of Saturday. A religious accommodation is any adjustment to the work environment that will allow an employee or applicant to practice his or her religion. Sample Email - Religious Accommodation Request. I am willing to come to work earlier on Fridays, come to work on Sunday, or to cooperate in whatever arrangements may need to be made so I can retain my Sabbath observance according to my convictions. This observance coincides with [name of assignment] that is listed on the syllabus. On [enter date or dates] we will be observing [name of holiday]. Scheduling accommodations may involve: 1. A letter from a religious leader of the faith community to which the student is a member stating the need for an exemption. What should I do if an applicant or employee asks for breaks, leave or other changes to a work situation because of his medical condition or his religious beliefs? 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone), Call 1-800-669-4000 Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. I do not wish to have a conflict between my job duties and my obligations to God. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has excellent regulations and a compliance manual with lots of information and suggestions for how someone, like myself, can be accommodated. Students and employees must generally submit religious accommodation requests annually.