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Motor Performance Witness Testing

Purchasing used or remanufactured motors can be very risky. Many times the seller or proposed motor owner may not know if the used motor has been previously redesigned or remanufactured; potentially resulting in your buying a remanufactured-remanufactured motor. Sounds scary; but this scenario does occur from time to time. Anyone buying or repairing a used or remanufactured motor must know the right questions to ask and what to look for. The recommended procedure is to require the used motor seller to perform an approved energized performance test before accepting delivery of the motor. A variety of industrial standards for specific motor types are in place for performance testing. RLA provides performance witness testing services to ensure the motor you purchase meets all the applicable guidelines, industrial standards, and motor owner requirements.

WARNING! No one should ever buy an alternating current two-pole (3600 rpm) motor; used or re-manufactured motor without first getting a professional unbiased assessment of the motor before, during, and following any repair/rebuild.

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