Just because the motor repair shop says they can repair your motor does not necessarily mean they can. I am confident you would not allow any automobile mechanic that dropped by to repair your vehicle just because he said he could do the best job. Well then, you should know what your motor shops capabilities are and how they go about performing motor repairs/rebuilds, including how they document (prove) what they did to your motor during the repair process. Most motor shops are reputable organizations, but there are some out there you may need to avoid. The only way to truly find out who they are is to go take a look at them. Better than that, you might seriously consider allowing RLA to demonstrate just how important and informative motor shop assessments really are. You will be surprised at what you learn about your motor shops. In fact, after completing the assessments you might wonder if your motors have been repaired correctly in the past.
HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: RLA goes with you to the motor shops you select so you can see first-hand what is being done and how they go about doing it. Using a motor shop capability assessment tool (specially designed by RLA), we conduct a thorough assessment of the motor shop’s operating procedures, motor repair experience and expertise, quality assurance program, safety program, recordkeeping systems, job tracking and documentation, shop equipment, equipment calibration, employee training, and materials storage. Upon completing the on-site survey (generally 6 hours or so at each shop) RLA prepares a detailed report of our findings and suggestions regarding each motor shop surveyed. The shops are graded by the assessor which provides documentation of where the shop is now so a comparison can be made for future surveys. Writing motor repair specifications, conducting motor shop capability assessments and compliance audits, and motor maintenance training are the most requested services provided by RLA.
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