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Customized Motor Training Workshops

Training workshops provided by RLA are customized to fit our client’s needs. Generic training courses are generally boring and do not work. RLA is proven, experienced and committed to training people for the skills they request.

HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: After discussing training needs with our client a course outline and expected learning outcome is presented for review and approval. We strongly recommended hands-on training (generally held at a local motor shop) to supplement the classroom instruction. When people are allowed to see things and do things they are better equipped to remember what they saw and how it is done. One of the neat things we do at RLA is we ask motor owners to invite a couple of their “preferred” motor shop technicians to attend their motor training workshop. This gives the motor owner and motor shop personnel an opportunity to interact during the training workshop. Hands-on training is generally conducted at the motor shop where the motor repair technicians are employed. Competitive and affordably priced workshops are available through RLA. Call us today for details, pricing or scheduling. Feel free to email your requests if you prefer.

RLA is proud of its first-rate training workshops and reputation in the industry. It didn’t just happen; we had to earn it. At RLA we continuously strive to achieve a level of service and training excellence that exceeds anything you have ever experienced. Some of the more popular workshop titles are listed below.


  1. AC Motor Theory
  2. AC Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors
  3. AC Wound-Rotor Motors
  4. AC Synchronous Motors
  5. AC Motor Testing & Maintenance
  6. AC Motor Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
  7. AC Motor Certification Testing & Trending


  1. DC Motor Theory
  2. DC Shunt Connected Motors
  3. DC Series Connected Motors
  4. DC Compound Connected Motors
  5. DC Motor Testing & Maintenance
  6. DC Motor Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
  7. DC Motor Certification Testing & Trending

For more information, and for a no-risk proposal, contact us today!

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